The easiest way would be to copy it from one of my blogs in the example above. Or visit one of the free websites such as www. Submit your article. com. There are thousands of things to catch. You’ll want to find articles that fit the topic of the topic you’re developing.
For example, if you are promoting Working from Home, search for articles about working from home.
Step 8: Promote your blog! There are hundreds of blog sites and RSS feeds where you can comment for free. When you create a blog on www. Blogger. By using com you also get a free RSS feed from your blog. Added / atom. Copy the xml below your blog.
Blog http://opportunity. Web site. com/olur http://opportunity. Web site. com/atom. Save xml as RSS feed.
This allows you to submit it to any RSS and blog directories you can find. ..
Step 9: VERY IMPORTANT: After EVERY article you write on your blog, visit www. pingomatic. com and submit your blog. Click All services to ping and ping.
This notifies the most popular blog posts that you have a new article. The more articles you write, the higher your rankings (and the higher the traffic they send you!)
So be sure to do this after all the articles you write.
Step 10: Post new articles to your blog several times a day. Try to publish at least ten or more new articles per day to get the best results.
There you have it! A complete and completely free way to make money online from the comfort of your home. ..
Of course, you can repeat the process as many times as you want and create as many blogs as you want. You can also use this method with any of the hundreds of other affiliate programs on the internet.
With this method, you should be able to generate extra income from hundreds of dollars to several thousand dollars a month, depending on how you do it.
Now that you have some money to spend, put aside $250 to turn it into hundreds of thousands of dollars in style!
My Favorite Business Model: I will tell you everything about Network Marketing in my next article. ..
Good luck and God bless!