When planning or designing a website, put yourself in the shoes of a crawling spider
The World Wide Web is similar to the tests of strength that knights of the past had to undergo. To be successful, your website needs to be more than just functional and aesthetic. It’s a complicated business and these days webmasters are constantly looking for better search engine rankings.
The secret lies in the attractiveness of search engine robots. Therefore, before creating a website, you need to know in detail how a robot works.
• Spiders read text and do not understand images, colors or graphics. Therefore, any page that is user-friendly and contains little or no content will rank low. Unless you enter the information contained in the graphic images in text format; Include only the URLs of the main content pages, not splash pages. Add ALT descriptions of all photos and add keywords that apply to them.
• Remember that elements that attract spiders are: TITLE tags, META tags, title tags, keywords and links. Many spiders rank entire websites based on a general pattern.
• Spiders read algorithms, not entire pages. Therefore, be sensitive to current events and, like newspapers, give priority to the most important information. Headings, titles and introductory paragraphs should contain the most important information.
• Stay current on technological advances in search engine filtering. Read the guidelines of major search engines, SEO and spider blogs and forums.