What outstanding customer service you have
testimonials highlighting your store’s strengths may include the friendliness of your staff, the excellence of your customer service, and the convenience of your location. You can probably think of fifty reasons why people shop at your store. Start by making a list and compile ten references based on it.
Select one at a time and ask a loyal customer to sign it. Keep doing this until you have subscribers for all of them, then rotate the three on your site every few months. As you get more customers, go back to your list and write new testimonials for approval. Your loyal customers are happy to help you, and their testimonials help you strengthen relationships with new customers.
Remind website visitors of the benefits of shopping at your store. If your business derives most or all of its profits from sales in physical stores, remind your customers of the benefits of shopping at those stores. When customers visit your store, they don’t have to pay shipping costs, they can take the product home immediately instead of waiting for delivery, they can count on convenient customer service and much more.
As with any of these advertising ideas, visiting your store certainly offers a long list of benefits. These things may seem obvious to you, but posting this information on your website will remind your customers that there are many benefits to shopping at your store and increase visits from new customers who might otherwise purchase products online.
Start incorporating ideas like these into your marketing strategy and you’re sure to notice an increase in store traffic. Next time I’ll add more helpful tips on how to attract customers to your store through your online presence.