Using Others to Increase Your Website’s Profit

Using Others to Increase Your Website’s Profit

I’ve always been a feminist who refuses to use other people’s content on my site. I figured that when I bring people to my site, I don’t want them to click on something on a whim, following someone else’s clever words.

But I’ve changed that song and dance lately. And if you’re a webmaster who follows that line of thinking, you need to rethink your strategy. It’s flawed for a very simple reason.

People mostly go online to get information. And no matter what you do (or don’t do), most visitors to your website will eventually click on your competitor’s website.

This doesn’t mean they won’t buy you anything or do anything you want. It’s just a matter of doing business online where your closest competitors are just a click away.

That’s why serious, serious golfers buy golf videos, subscribe to golf magazines, read golf books, and probably even play golf video games at home. People are just looking for great information and will continue to search for it even after reading a book.

By really nurturing this demand for information (your information… other people’s information), you can keep visitors on your site for a really long time and motivate them to come back. Isn’t it cool?

But more importantly, you can increase your own profits by including other people’s articles on your site.

How? Follow these simple steps:

1) Create an article directory for your website.

2) Collect targeted articles in databases such as e-journal articles. com, isnare. com etc. Add an article repository to your website. Make sure each topic has its own page.

3) Add AdSense ads or sensor ads to every page. AdSense, (https://www. Google. com/support/AdSense/bin/static. What? page = recommendation. html). Thanks to their hotmaps, you know exactly where to advertise on your website.

After these 3 steps you have done two things.

First you set up an additional source. You earn money every time someone clicks on an AdSense ad. Or if you choose an Affiliate Sensor ad, you’ll earn money every time someone clicks and buys something.

Second, you add new content to your website visitors. This will keep clicking very closely.

It’s easy, looks effortless, and you can keep adding new items to increase your chances of winning. Consider it your good karma to provide free publicity to article writers.