Some advantages of CSS

Some advantages of CSS

Your page loads faster because there is less code to move around
Less code needs to be written
It’s easy to create a consistent look and feel for your entire website Updating and maintaining
websites is very simple and time consuming
In conclusion, CSS can save you a lot of time and effort and is easy to learn.

The idea behind CSS (also known as style sheets or stylesheets) is quite simple. CSS allows you to create a single piece of code, similar to an HTML file, that allows you to specify colors, fonts, layouts, and more for a web page. The CSS file is then linked from the web page you want in the style you’re viewing.

CSS allows you to edit entire web pages that link to a CSS file at once by editing the style in the style sheet, rather than manually editing every style in each HTML file.

If CSS did these things on its own, it would be time consuming to say the least, especially if you have a large or multi-page site. This alone is worth learning CSS, but style sheets will help you do this and much more.

CSS also helps you with:
locations and designs right where you want them Add
rotation effects
controls letters, lines, margins and spacing between web pages
centimeters, pixels, dots, etc. He talks about units like
to hide the content of certain websites in certain situations. An example of this is if you have certain elements that you want to display only on your page but not in print.