Potential, unwanted and real-time mortgages

Potential, unwanted and real-time mortgages

If you are a mortgage advisor or mortgage broker looking for mortgage leads, you may want to research the companies you are considering to determine exactly what type of leads you will receive. Not to mention their origins.

Many loan officers and customer contact companies are classified as legacy or recycled contacts. It may be cheap, but chances are it’s not worth the two dollars you spent on it.

A live track is a track that is considered new. This means you will receive it the same day the applicant fills out the online form. If a lead is more than a day old, it can hardly be considered a real-time lead.

When researching mortgage lenders, remember to research where the mortgage lender gets leads on potential customers.

If you source them from the websites you own and operate where you ask potential customers to fill out online forms, you can expect to get new leads in real time.

If the customer service representative at the mortgage company you are considering avoids your questions, you can assume the contacts are not new.

That’s not to say that a great company doesn’t have good leads to offer, but it would be wise for you to know exactly where your leads are coming from to ensure you get the highest quality leads for the money you spend . spend.

Ultimately, it all depends on what you’re looking for. Quality or quantity.
If the amount is
, you’ll most likely hang up and get a response like, “I completed this loan a few weeks ago” or “I completed this application a few months ago.” If you’re tired of these scenarios, you should definitely consider using high-quality mortgage leads, also known as real-time mortgage leads. It might be worth it. Good luck.