Now what is a blog?

Now what is a blog?

Everyone raves about blogs, it seems like everyone has a blog and everyone seems to be telling you that if you want to get into internet marketing you need a blog!!

So what exactly is writing?

As with all things, there’s the long answer, the short answer, and Martin’s answer (usually it seems like the long answer is just, well, fine :-))

Writing, like many other new trends, is not new at all. Blogging has actually been around for a few years now, if I really wanted to go back I’d say it was in its infancy before 2000.

Blog or Weblog is simply an online journal or map.

BUT that’s not what people mean these days: when people talk to you about blogs and blogging, they’re actually talking about using the software to run your website.

The simplicity and design of the software allows even people with limited skills to add new content to their website. In fact, if you can write and use Word, you can use Blog. That’s why it’s become so popular and why so many people use it, or at least why so many people use blogs and blogging software to create their personal blog of the day*.

But basically, it’s a way to have a constantly updated website related to your business or topic at the click of a button.

Here are three ‘blogs’ that were popular at the time of this issue and will probably remain so for a long time; but while they are ‘blogs’, they are actual websites rather than the everyday blogging kind.

Boing Boing: Your Guide to Amazing Stuff
67,001 links from 19,265 websites.

65,581 links from 14,884 websites.

PostSecret is an ongoing art project where people anonymously post their secrets on one side of a handmade postcard.
Real confusion
21,503 links from 12,892 websites.

The main difference between a blog and a regular website is that bloggers tend to be more personal and put more stamp on their work. This is why the first two sites above are MUCH more popular than a regular site.