Mind-Controlled Puppets
Puppets with Mind Control When Mind-Controlled Puppets, or “Targeted Individuals,” are discussed, they refer to themselves as individuals who have been cut off from their friends and family. Because they are mentally ill, many of them end up in jail or in a mental institution. Presently, what are Designated People, they are such individuals who are focused on with incognito innovation. The weapon that was used to kill those people is very dark. This weapon previously appeared in the year 1961 by Dr. Allen Frey made the claim that microwaves could be heard by humans. Dr. then carried out the first successful unclassified voice to skull or mind reading experiment. C. Joseph Sharp and Mark Grove at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the year 1974. In 1975, the researcher A. W. Guy stated that a man’s auditory response to pulsed microwaves is one of the most widely observed and accepted biological effects of low average power electromagnetic energy. At the time it existed, the capability of remotely transmitting microwave voices inside a target’s head was referred to as “Synthetic Telepathy” by the Pentagon. It is reasonable to assume that this technology has advanced significantly in modern times. It is certain that its application range has also expanded. Many individuals are coming out guaranteeing themselves as Designated People or TIs. From their perspective, they assert that they are participants in non-consensual human experimentation carried out by various intelligence agencies worldwide. The majority of them assert that human rights have been violated. However, it appears that this program is not as secretive as it was intended to be, and many of them assert that their thoughts are being broadcast to the general public and that they are constantly subjected to mental torture. In addition, they claim to be the targets of gang stalking, gaslighting, and harassment skits. Therefore, the question arises as to why they are being harassed in such unique ways and why the entire community is so vehemently opposed to them. The response is they are being outlined as not somebody who would have ticked off somebody high above in the power, however as somebody exceptionally perilous and when any knowledge organization conflicts with any singular they are very exhaustive and will keep a record outlining that person for certain irrefutable subtleties. Furthermore, in today’s bustling civilization, can you really expect that whoever is broadcasting their thoughts to be their entire thoughts? Absolutely not. Nobody has the opportunity and energy to go through that many subtleties. So, what is really likely to spread among people or in society? Something that grabs everyone’s attention and is shortened for everyone to save time. Any information that sells, and negative publicity is what sells, if my assumptions are correct. However, the primary concern is whether the individuals targeted are innocent. They are, according to my perspective. Because you need partners to commit any kind of extreme crime. Therefore, if a person is that extreme, it will be extremely challenging to manipulate their surroundings and there will be a high risk of this covert operation being exposed. All in all, what is the real reason for this component? It is reasonable to infer that the primary objective of this unethical strategy is not to exert control over a specific individual but rather to use that individual as a means of exerting control over society. The fact that this one-of-a-kind program has been hidden for so long demonstrates that it serves its intended function effectively. Now, when you consider a Targeted Individual’s social environment, you might wonder why they are turned down by their friends or family. The response is very basic “dread”. When the person turns into an objective of this trial, turns into an objective of everyone who has at any point been in contact with that person. Because of the secrets that he or she knows about those people, they immediately make him or her a target, and it is certain that they will steer clear of a targeted individual. Why might be the question that comes to mind. It’s simple: you can tell any ordinary person as many secrets as you want; however, if an intelligence agency conducts an investigation, you will definitely want to present a clean image, making the Targeted Individual an excellent scapegoat. To be honest, if you were in such a situation, you would lie even to watch porn with that person. Our first response to fear is always this.