Know your product before selling it
Product knowledge is by far the most important key ingredient when it comes to selling a product.
Before selling your product, make sure you know it well because you don’t want to go unanswered if a potential customer has a specific question.
Think about it: If you were interested in buying a product from someone and they couldn’t answer your simplest questions about the product, how much would you believe it? Probably none.
Here are some tips to get to know your product better:
1. Brochures and literature
Get as much written information about your product as possible. Explore your product’s features and benefits until you know them by heart. Read on until you understand all the details off the top of your head, including the fees associated with the product.
Also, keep brochures handy, open them to the customer and discuss the details of your product step by step. Customers love the visual effects.
2. Play the reel The
RPG is a great way to learn more about the products. You need two colleagues to help you.
You play a salesperson, one of your colleagues plays a customer and one of your colleagues criticizes you.
Ask your colleague in the role of customer to ask as many questions about the product as they can think of. When you’re done, have a sales session with the person who criticized you.
Also, play each character in turn. Playing a game with a customer gives you a great insight into their perspective. Think about how often you are a customer when it comes to purchasing your company’s products? Never.