Introduction to Trade Show Exhibits

When planning your next trade show, think back to times when you browsed through many different booths, exhibits, and displays. Think about the type of exhibit that interests you. Your presentation should also be interesting.

Before you rush to purchase display materials for your trade show, you should consider many different things about how you want your presentation to look and feel. You know you want prospects to come in to be talked to, and hopefully they will come and you can talk to them. Your attendee needs to engage with them so they can move on and you can have their attention without disturbing them.

First of all, you should choose the type of exhibition that best reflects your products, services and company image. You also need to consider your budget. Whatever your budget, you can find the product that best reflects your message and the image you want others to see.

The size of your business listings can make or break you. If you choose too large, the exhibition will be larger, if you choose too small, it will look full and complete. The most common sizes for commercial displays are 10 meters by 10 meters, 20 meters by 20 meters, and 10 meters by 20 meters. In this limited format you also have to choose between designs, signage or product displays.

You can find the most beautiful things in different ways in the
10 meter by 10 meter format. Backlit Head with Clever 10 foot panel, you can choose between lighting, your favorite color for the bottom and different colors for the top. The benefits of using these stands are that they are strong and durable, but also very lightweight and easy to carry. The average weight of these units is 130 pounds. The Genius I 10 panel can also be selected if you want
lights, a base color, a Counter Laminate color, a bottom and top panel color. The feature of this panel type is that it has a presentation style consisting of 6 upper panels, 6 lower panels, rear header and lighting, 1 upper niche and niche base. This beautiful panel is very attractive in any presentation format and usually weighs up to 200 pounds.