Frameworks are generally considered a bad idea

Frameworks are generally considered a bad idea

FYI: Frameworks are generally considered a bad idea for a few reasons.
Accessibility – Frames are a nightmare for visually impaired screen readers; But I guess lucky with your website.

Search Engine Optimization – Search engines want to display your page containing the correct content, but due to the framework, the content page may not be relevant, causing unhappy visitors to go to non-relevant pages. .

Ah, but I forgot… you are a “professional”. Let’s create a flash landing page with a cool animation that has nothing to do with your industry and a cool channel that says “CLICK HERE TO JOIN.” I guess that settles everything now, right? Better yet, why not skip the internet and go through your entire flash listing and see how you can impress your customers? Tell me, why is your website not showing up in search engines? You gotta be the right kind,

Is something following my cursor or is my inner ninja predicting my every move? This is very scary.
I know there are some ninja/pirate jokes out there, but such cute colors confuse me.

Yes! I want to bookmark your website. Thanks for reminding me! I would also have the option to “Send this page to a friend”, but all my friends are IRL (in real life).

So what were you selling?
Oh, I see, you’re a web developer. Isn’t it all?

No, I’m not crying. I’m just allergic to Geocities.