Blog marketing 101
To be honest, most blogs are not developed with the right marketing method. In fact, some blogs are real marketing machines but they also don’t really benefit from a lack of good marketing.
Blogs may be Web 2.0, but bloggers shouldn’t ignore some of the best Internet marketing tactics that have been serving online marketers for nearly a decade or more.
Here are 101 important things you shouldn’t ignore. ..
Bloggers often neglect or ignore email as a way to reach their readers. As an RSS advocate, I truly believe RSS should be used solely as a supplement to email distribution to distribute your content to the world.
Although RSS offers us many unique advantages, it has not yet become widespread. Until that’s the case, marketers and advertisers shouldn’t consider giving up on email, or they’ll risk ignoring many of their potential readers.
If you’re still wondering why you need email, consider what you might be missing without it. Someone visits your blog, likes your content and wants to be notified when new interesting items are available and does not know what RSS is or what anxiety is. If you can’t capture his email address and accept it at that moment, he won’t be able to get back to your site either because he forgot or because many other sites have already pulled it before the next
Publishing a blog is not a substitute for an e-magazine. At the very least, publish a weekly or monthly magazine featuring your best articles in a single, easy-to-use format.
Some don’t have time to check your blog regularly and others just want to get a quick overview to see the best and most important content. Publishing an e-magazine via email will do just that for you, giving you the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible on your blog over a long period of time.
Email (ezine) and RSS subscriptions is crucial to the success of any blog. But all this will do you no good if your visitors don’t see them and you don’t give them enough incentive to sign up.
First of all, display your e-magazine and RSS feed subscriptions at the top of your blog, not in a distant place where no one can see them.
Second, use persuasive copy to encourage visitors to sign up. Briefly explain the benefits of signing up, what kind of content they can expect, and don’t forget to include your privacy notice so your subscribers can be sure you’ll never misuse their personal information.
4. Define RSS
Most Internet users still don’t know what RSS is or how to use it, so an RSS button on your website means nothing to them.
To resolve this issue, create a custom RSS display page and link it next to the RSS button. Explain on this page:
How can a visitor benefit from using RSS?
Where to Get Free RSS Feeds (Consider This Yourself!)
How can they install it (explain step by step)
How can they subscribe to your RSS feed?
reasons to subscribe to your RSS feed
Now add links to all your RSS feeds on the same page.
If you update your blog regularly, your most important content will continue to be pushed to the bottom and most of your blog readers won’t bother finding it.
Overcome this blogging challenge by regularly creating a list of your best posts, prominently displayed and available on each of your pages. Depending on your topic, you may want to place these headlines as close to the top of your blog as possible to quickly entice new visitors to read the best of your content and use your content to turn them into loyal readers and subscribers.