These are the features you should look for when looking for the best hosting plan
When looking for a host, it is best to gather as much information as possible about the hosting company itself and the services they offer. These pre-sale questions are a way to check many things about a web hosting company. You can find detailed information about the services they offer: the web hosting plans they have, the features they include, etc.
Nowadays web hosting plans are becoming increasingly competitive and the features of each plan are comparable between web hosting providers. Whether you’re a newbie or an expert, this article will provide you with useful information about some of the things you should keep in mind when choosing a web hosting service.
In this article, I will not talk about issues such as location, route, price, etc. because there are currently too many articles floating around on the internet about this. My goal will be to explain some of the important things you should look for when choosing your web host.
Below are the ten basic options available in Unix/Linux hosting plans that every major hosting provider should offer.
Check – This is where you manage your account. Web hosting is an online application that allows users to manage many aspects of their web hosting accounts, including but not limited to creating a mailbox, setting up an email address, uploading and editing files, creating subdomains. . You should carefully check the contents of
in the controller with the web server you choose. Some hosts use third-party control panel like cPanel or Plesk. Others use built-in home controls. When you sign up for hosting, you will need to get a CP to manage your website.